- exit poll
- опрос людей после мероприятия сразу по выходу
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
Англо-русский словарь по рекламе . 2014.
exit poll — ➔ poll1 * * * exit poll UK US noun [C] ► POLITICS a study in which people are asked how they voted as they leave the polling station (= place where people vote): » According to exit polls, no party will have an overall majority. exit polls… … Financial and business terms
exit poll — Bendroji informacija Rūšis: naujai skolinta citata Kilmė: anglų, exit poll. Pateikta: 2012 10 14. Atnaujinta: 2014 03 16. Reikšmė ir vartosena Apibrėžtis: rinkėjų apklausa (siekiant numatyti galimus balsavimo rezultatus anksčiau, nei jie bus… … Lietuvių kalbos naujažodžių duomenynas
exit poll — ex it poll a survey poll taken by interviewing voters as they leave (exit) the polling place, to determine how they voted and for what reasons; it is usually taken by news media to learn at an early time (often before the balloting has finished)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
exit poll — / ɛksit pəʊl/, it. / ɛksit pol/ locuz. angloamer. [comp. di exit uscita e poll votazione , quindi votazione all uscita ], usata in ital. come s.m. (stat.) [verifica dei voti elettorali fatta, all uscita di seggi preselezionati, chiedendo a un… … Enciclopedia Italiana
exit poll — /eksitˈpol, ingl. ˈɛɡzɪtˌpəul/ [loc. dell ingl. d America, propr. «inchiesta (poll) all uscita (exit)»] loc. sost. m. inv. sondaggio, previsione … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
exit poll — ► NOUN ▪ a poll of people leaving a polling station, asking how they voted … English terms dictionary
exit poll — n. a poll taken of a small percentage of voters as they leave their voting places, with the pollster asking if they voted for or against certain candidates or issues … English World dictionary
exit poll — exit .poll n the activity of asking people how they have voted in an election in order to discover the likely result … Dictionary of contemporary English
exit poll — exit ,poll noun count a way of guessing the results of an election by asking people who have just finished voting who they voted for … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Exit poll — An exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. Unlike an opinion poll, which asks whom the voter plans to vote for or some similar formulation, an exit poll asks whom the voter actually voted for.… … Wikipedia
exit poll — noun a poll of voters as they leave the voting place; usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an election • Hypernyms: ↑poll, ↑opinion poll, ↑public opinion poll, ↑canvass * * * noun, pl ⋯ polls [count] : a method of… … Useful english dictionary